
Hello! It's nice to meet you!

I'm Sarah, the "Sarah" in My Friend Sarah Made It! I'm a one woman show - I don't have any employees. I make everything you see in my shop by hand and run the shop, my social media, packaging, and customer service solo. My family is beyond helpful in this endeavor and I couldn't do it without their support!

"My Friend Sarah Made It" came because I wanted my shop to feel fun - like an afternoon crafting with girlfriends. I used to love host evening craft nights with my mommy group - we'd get together and hand make dozens of gifts for Christmas. I just love hearing "oh that's adorable! Where did you get it??" and hearing "my friend Sarah made it!" as the response.

I hope you enjoy the items I've made and that your order brightens your day a little. I hope you stick around and grow with me, I have lots of plans for the future!


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